Dog Grooming
Sit Social provides premium 1-1 dog grooming with our expert groomers. What sets us apart from other salons is that we pride ourselves on giving your dog a low stress, 1-1 luxury experience instead of industrial style rotating them through stations and cages in a room filled with other scared doggies. We only groom 1 dog at a time in our private dog spa to provide focused effort and a calm, enjoyable groom for your beloved dog. We have a set hourly rate of $85/hour and offer:
Luxury Spa Bath No Haircut/Trim ($85 + up)
Full Service Grooming With Haircut/Trim ($85 - $340

Dog Grooming Prices

Luxury 1-1 Spa Pricing
Dog grooming is $85/hr & ranges from $85-$340 (+20% gratuity appreciated) and is based on a variety of factors including your dog's size, temperament during the groom, and the condition of their coat at drop-off. An estimated quote will be given at drop-off and final price determined at pickup.
Luxury Spa Bath: may include shampoo, deep conditioning, nail trim, ear cleaning, teeth cleaning, paw soak, facials, brushing, blowouts, anal glands if requested/showing symptoms. No haircuts or trims.
Full Service Dog Grooming: takes everything you get in a Luxury Spa Bath and adds a hair cut or trim for your pup as requested.
Nail Grinding/Trims: a la carte nail trims/grinding ($20) can be booked in between our grooms as available.
*The pricing clock starts at dropoff and ends at pickup. Please be on time.
*Please cancel with 72 hrs notice or more to avoid charges in full.